Thursday, May 27, 2010

My birthday

Yes, it's my birthday! This day comes once in a year and it's been a habit to post about anything each time this day comes. I'll be more spontaneous on this one. It takes a longer time when I think slowly because I have a tendency to edit/re-edit the stuff I write about before I even post it.

Now, I'm very thankful for the wonderful birthday greetings I've been receiving since last night. I never really thought I had that many friends. Really, I'm so grateful!

On this special day of my life, I thank God for allowing me to see the beauty of the world around me. I'm grateful to him for the life He gave me, for the loving family that I belong to and for the friends He gave along the way.

I thank God for the love, hope, peace, joy that this life has been giving me. Words aren't enough to express my gratitude for the strength He was able to provide me in the many tribulations I had faced in the past. I pray to continue on with my battles in life, with Him beside me.

My wish is for my loved ones to stay happy and healthy for my happiness is deeply dependent on their happiness and well-being. I feel so blessed and loved by those who know me. Feeling their presence, their love convinces me more that God has always been good to me.

I pray that love will live in the hearts of people so nobody would demonstrate hate. May all of us live our lives to the fullest and that whatever our calling is, we may serve it to glorify God.

Whatever lies ahead, may the greater good always prevail. And if God will ask me now for a birthday gift, I'll choose to have Gilbert's health...I love my dog so much. An angel for a partner is a possible second option. Haha! Now that one took away all the seriousness from this essay.

Happy birthday to me!!!!

God is good all the time!!!!

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Sunday, May 09, 2010

It's just disturbing that some people dwell on hate and negativity as their way to get sympathy. I'm never buying that. Why can't they speak proudly of their merits rather than taint an opponent's name? God himself is the symbol of love and I find it ungodly when a person chooses hate over love.

Saturday, May 08, 2010

I pray that whatever the outcome of the coming elections, it will be for the ultimate good of the people and that whoever wins the presidency will finally unite this country and serve as an example of love, peace and dignity for all of us to follow. God bless the Philippines!

Monday, May 03, 2010

You are

You are
the earth that I come home to,
the wind that blows me to places
I've never been to.

You are
the fire that burns within my heart,
the water that gives life to my blood.

You are everything my life is about,
that one person I see in a crowd.

You bring happiness even in the saddest of time,
your smile leads me to the glory of light.

You are what you mean to me.
You are the colors that I wish you to be.

You are mine...
only in my mind.