Saturday, July 21, 2007


Though there are things to be feeling unhappy about, there are more reasons to be thankful for. First and probably the most important one: Hazel's wallet had been returned to her yesterday. Yes! It was returned to her, all cards and money included. That's what I call, God's working. It could have been anybody who badly needed money, someone who would do anything to have such huge amount in his pocket but the Lord willed it to go to someone who believes in Him, someone who fears Him, who fears in his punishment, someone who knows what true goodness really means. Praise God is all i can say.

He indeed touches hearts. The most wonderful thing about it is that, He gave Hazel (and I guess myself included) a lesson or two on living humbly and taking good care of His blessings, but He did so without taking away anything from us. In the end, Hazel even gained. Through everything that happened, she was able to know her truest of friends, and she has proved that man definitely has a capacity to be good. Amen!

Another reason to celebrate is my brother's promotion from work. What really struck me is that slowly, he recognizes God's powerful hands, the designs the Lord creates for him. Allan has always been skeptic of God's purpose for him. Only this morning, Allan confessed that he trusted the Lord in this, that he merely surrendered his application for promotion unto God. And that now, he understands why his previous attempts failed. God really doesn't give him just a little of what he wants, he gives what he truly wants and sometimes, even more. Praise the Lord once again!

I was about to mention about the bad things that happened this week, but honestly, a phone line cut after an angry storm that hit our area last wednesday doesn't match to the happiness the promotion and Hazel's wallet being returned have brought me and my family. A while ago, I talked to one customer service representative and I didn't get angry a bit or curse her. That's what I used to do when I get frustrated...Used to...

I realize now that no matter how frustrated I get, it shouldn't reflect on my personality, on the way I deal with people. First of all, the agent is just one of many people in the telephone company. She can't do anything more than report the problem. But to get fuming mad at her is senseless. And it will even hurt. What I can do now is to continuously pray. Now if repair doesn't come as expected, it is the Lord's will. But I will always be hoping and following that up of course, without curses and hate.

Life is beautiul indeed!

God bless you!!!!

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