Monday, February 25, 2008

1. What's the connection between you
and the last person you texted?
*** friends

2. What is wrong with you right now?
*** my a**

3. Do you miss your first love?
*** first love? i don't have one.

4. When did you last cry?
*** can't recall

5. Who do you hate?
*** none, it aint good to hate.

6. What do you want in your life right
*** fulfillment and stability

7. Are you happy?
*** yes

8. What do you smell like?
*** i don't know

9. What’s your favorite thing you have
on your bed?
*** my winnie the pooh stuffed toy

10. Do you tend to make relationships
*** no idea

11. What was the last movie you went
*** jumper

12. Is your shirt new?
*** no

13. Do you live next to your boyfriend?
*** huh?

14. Are you scared of bugs?
*** no

15. Do you read?
*** of course

16. Do you sleep with a teddy bear?
*** yessss

17. Last thing that made you cry?
*** can't remember, that was ages ago

18. Do you like anyone right now?
*** yes, a actually, a looooot!

19. Are you bored?
*** aha!

20. What are you excited about?
*** oscars

21. What’s on your mind right now?
*** i want my life back

22. Who was the last person to make
you cry?
*** can't remember

23. Name someone whose name starts
with the letter "R."
*** rowena

24. Do you care what others think
about you?
*** nah

25. Do you think you'll be married in
10 years?
*** yes

26. Will you ever kiss the last person
you kissed again?
*** huh?

27. What do you look forward to in the
next 3 months?
*** my birthday

28. Who was the last missed call?
*** an officemate

29. What's your ring tone?
*** too close

30. Do you plan on moving out within
the next year?
*** nah, unless i get married

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