Tuesday, December 26, 2006


Success and disappointment walk hand in hand in the Horses path during the year. If success is to be attained, Horse must put affairs of all types under tight and orderly control. Concentration and hard work are a must in order for it to be a successful year. Beware of over-indulgence. You will also find it hard to retain money so keep a tight rein on expenses. This may be a year for saving rather than acquiring. Do not make judgements on others at work too hastily and exercise patience especially at home for there are indications of possible disharmony both at work and at home.

This is a year of caution; avoid risks both physically and financially although Horse born in 1942 can expect some windfall. In March and October you can expect some good news but you must make of the most of the good times as there are some months you will need to stay strong, follow the advice monthly on this website and place your annual cures and enhancers. Stay focused this year, there is nothing to worry about just think about all your actions.

You need to spend time with family and friends as they will feel rejected in 2007.

Cautions for 2007: Those of you born in the water year of the horse in 1942 can expect good news regarding wealth. If you were born in 1978 then the earth Horse should not take risks in 2007 and those young Horses born in 1990 must stay focused this year as outside influences from friends can take you away from studies.

Cautions for month: Take extra care in the June, August, October and December and make sure you check back with us monthly to get your updates for the month.


Oh well...again, posted this just for the fun of it. If there are not-so-good predictions, I guess they should serve only as warning.

May pangontra dyan. Believe in the power of the Lord Almighty.

God bless us all !!!!!

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