Saturday, August 28, 2010

Because we live in a democracy, we have to live with the majority's choice no matter if it doesn't conform to our own. But there are factors that make a popular choice and not all of those are necessarily about credentials.

It is my dream to see voters who choose a leader based not on emotion but rather on qualification. The inability of a leader will manifest each time no matter how many good people he has around him. You can't hide incompetence. It will burst out however way you cover it.

The success of a leader is the success of the people. In this case, the inability of the leader has caused its people to suffer. It's true what they say, candidates don't win or lose the elections, it is the people who do. Hay, Heaven help us!
It's scary to see a leader who still could muster a smile after a hostage incident that led to the death of many lives...He doesn't even have to fake a sad face. Isn't the mere idea of innocent people getting killed reason enough to feel depressed? If human life is not that big a deal for him, then what else is? How could someone be so cold-hearted?
The hostage taker was desperate and ready to take lives that's why you negotiate. But you don't negotiate by agitating the hostage taker even more. Clearly, those who were supposed to take charge were just as helpless as everyone else. It shouldn't have taken 11 long hours to end the situation, and it shouldn't have ended that bloody way. Media didn't help as well. Where there's freedom, there's also responsibility and compassion. This is like a nightmare that will take a long time to forget.