Sunday, April 05, 2009

Back Again

Almost four months in complete hibernation and I have finally contemplated on getting back to writing on this blog again. It probably won't be on a regular day-to-week basis as I've become less sensitive of the triumphs and travails that surround this big old world we live in, but I will write for as long as it still makes sense to write.

So many things to write about yet, there isn't one that's worthy to be told. If I were in a basketball game, I was probably pulled out from the bench to play as a starter, then stumbled with a few missed shots and a couple of fouls that ultimately led me back to where I originally came from - the bench.

Yes, I'm in this phase again where it seems as if I'm in keen search of where I should be heading to professionally and emotionally.

People do get tired. I've grown too impatient and I know it isn't a good trait but if I don't do something drastic now, I know I'll regret it for the rest of my life. I want to have a clear vision of my future. Be it with regards to my career or a romantic life ahead, I need to start acting on it or it will not take long before I realize it's too late.

Maybe a different career, a different venue with different people and a far different approach than that I've had all this time could make my existence great again. And though it's not all that wonderful right this moment, I'm hoping that God will help me find happiness and contentment in whatever decision I choose to make.

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